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Customised Learning,Fully Supported

Knowledge is power. If you’re a lawyer, support coordinator, OT or OT student, we can work with you to help you get equipped, skilled, and CPD certified in a variety of specific subjects to support your professional journey.

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At MLEA, we believe collaboration and continuing professional development through education are integral to the provision of high standards of service.

MLEA is driven by the goal of empowering all stakeholders with a deeper understanding of the value, benefits and potential outcomes of occupational therapy within the medicolegal claims process.

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The arrival of the NDIS has increased the demand for therapists with specialised skills in disability and MLEA is evolving to respond to this need. When you join MLEA you join a brains trust of dedicated and forward thinking OTs who support your professional and clinical development.

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Occupational Therapist
OT Students

OT Students

The OT Education program for students is FREE and participation is voluntary. 

This is a great opportunity for you to meet professional peers on your OT journey, ask any clinical questions you may have been wondering about and connect with industry professionals! There are no silly questions!

Topics will be most appropriate for final year students on clinical placements working within community settings with adult clients, especially those working with NDIS participants.

It will involve online peer learning sessions once a week for 6 weeks; sessions will run on Tuesday mornings from 8.30am for approximately 1.5 hours. Sessions will be recorded and distributed to those that are interested but unable to attend the live sessions.

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The OT Education program for students is FREE and participation is voluntary. 

This is a great opportunity for you to meet professional peers on your OT journey, ask any clinical questions you may have been wondering about and connect with industry professionals! There are no silly questions!

Topics will be most appropriate for final year students on clinical placements working within community settings with adult clients, especially those working with NDIS participants.

It will involve online peer learning sessions once a week for 6 weeks; sessions will run on Tuesday mornings from 8.30am for approximately 1.5 hours. Sessions will be recorded and distributed to those that are interested but unable to attend the live sessions.

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Talk to OurOT Team

We are here to help, tell us about your requirements and one of our experts will contact you. We’re super responsive.

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